Generate Recruitment

The Recruitment Generator Program empowers you to kick-start recruitment with a systematic approach.

Unlike other methods, you take control, unlocking recruiting basics, creating a personalized plan, and reaching out to college coaches to craft your own recruiting story.

The Recruitment Generator Featured on the JAMODI Podcast

What our Players and Parents are saying...

What our Players and Parents are saying...

More Testimonials at the Bottom!

Offer & Commitment Wall

Offer & Commitment Wall

Recruitment Generator Program

Nuts & Bolts | Game Plan | Game Day | Accountability

Nuts and Bolts

Discover the fundamental facets of recruitment.β€’ The Levels
β€’ The NCAA Clearing House
β€’ The Portal
β€’ The Common App

Game Plan

Structure and organize a flawless personal plan to simplify your outreach efforts.Guiding Questions that focus on the whole student-athlete.Organizational Strategies for all the essential recruiting information.

Game Day

Execute the outreach process in confidence.A mindset of how to approach the process.A formula that helps you build leads and hone in on schools that fit you.Dominate your promotion and outreach.


I am dedicated to working collaboratively with you to maximize the effectiveness of your outreach efforts.β€’ Social Media Optimization
β€’ DM and Email Templates
β€’ First Line Hooks
β€’ Highlight Videos

πŸ”“ Here's what you unlock when you join the Recruitment Generator.

On the surface, The Recruitment Generator is the process of effectively reaching out to college coaches and promoting yourself on social media.Upon joining, you’ll unlock a detailed game plan packed with actionable insights to gain traction with college coaches.

Recruiting Tracker

Effortless Organization and Outreach.β€’ Saves 1,000s of hours.
β€’ Tracks outreach and follow-ups
β€’ Simplifies Research
β€’ Compiles college coaches' emails and Twitters for D1, D2, D3, NAIA, and JUCO college programs.
β€’ Every Schools Team Website, Basketball Questionnaire, Majors Website


Utilize unmatched resources in your recruiting journey.β€’ DM Templates
β€’ Email Templates
β€’ Position Identifier
β€’ Core GPA Calculator

Bonus Tools

Free tools to enhance your recruiting process.Deep dive into
β€’ Majors
β€’ Colleges
β€’ Academic Scholarships
24 Questions to Ask on a Visit...

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does This Cost?

Other services charge thousands of dollars to help you land college interest.However, my aim with the Recruitment Generator is to maintain accessibility to the course while charging enough to hold you accountable until you achieve interest.The total price of the program is $299.

How Long Will It Take Me To Generate Interest?

The cornerstone of the Recruitment Generator is your outreach to college coaches.The ultimate results depend on your efforts.The extent of your outreach primarily determines the speed at which you garner interest.

What If I Already Have Interest?

If you already have interest, that is great!However, I still believe the goal of recruitment is to garner as much interest as possible.Allowing you to choose the best fit for you academically, athletically, and socially.I assure you that I can identify ways to enhance your outreach efforts to receive interest from more colleges.

Is This Also For Underclassmen?

While I’m not sure if anyone has ever said, β€œI wish I would’ve started my recruitment earlier.”Most of the principles shared in the Recruitment Generator Program are geared toward unsigned seniors and rising juniors.However, anyone can gain valuable insights into recruitment, social media promotion, and an effective outreach strategy with this course.In the future, I plan to develop an underclassmen course to address numerous pressing questions in the recruitment space.Stay tuned for updates!

What's The Time Commitment?

I understand life can be busy with various commitments.
By dedicating yourself to the Recruitment Generator process, you'll invest less than 30 minutes daily on outreach once you complete the initial course.
Despite the short duration, these daily 30 minutes have the potential to be life-changing.Beyond the daily commitment, you also have the opportunity to engage with me, ask questions, and further refine your outreach process.The added support guarantees a more accountable and enriching experience as you strive towards your college basketball goals.

Is This Also For College and Prep Players?

Absolutely!The Recruitment Generator principles are timeless and useful for any player looking to transfer schools.These strategies can be applied by individuals aiming to attract attention at any level.

πŸ€” Is this you?

Do you want to play college basketball, but aren’t sure where to start?

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the uncertainty of the recruiting process, and struggling to formulate a clear plan of action?

Have you started down the recruiting path, but now feel stuck?

Are you trying to trust the process and feel it's not paying off?

Have you made a plan, but you are still struggling to gain interest from college coaches?

Do you find that despite your efforts, you are not getting any results?

The limitations you must overcome to generate real interest.

All recruits who don't have interest share these problems.

If you're reading this, chances are one (or more) of these problems are keeping you from generating real interest.And chances are, you know you should be getting interest - which is why you're on this page in the first place.You want to play at the next level.

Dominate the best defenders.

There are 3 killers of recruitment.

Defender #1

Being Unorganized

Many players lack organization in their approach to recruiting. Engaging in numerous conversations with college coaches, I have found the key to organization that sets you apart and accelerates the entire recruiting process.

Defender #2

Having No Plan of Action

Many players desire to be recruited but often lack direction on where to start or how to formulate a plan. The Recruitment Generator Program provides a comprehensive, step-by-step plan to guide you in executing your outreach effectively.

Defender #3

Sending Generic Outreach

Many players contact college coaches through emails and DMs, but most of these messages are generic. The ability to stand out is essential in the competitive recruiting environment, and I'll provide guidance on effectively capturing college coaches' attention.

🀫 Secrets Revealed

Grasp the ever-changing world of recruiting.

Recruitment is constantly evolving, covering changes in what college coaches are looking for, NCAA rules, and eligibility forms. I'll present all this info in an easy-to-understand format.

Define your identity as an individual and athlete.

Knowing who you are is key to finding the right college fit. Identifying yourself as a player is just as important. Together, these aspects guide you in targeting specific schools during your outreach.

A systematic approach to outreach and follow-up.

The "Recruitment Tracker" will be provided to ensure effective outreach.This tool helps you track your outreach and follow-ups.

Research done for you.

Not only does the "Recruiting Tracker" help you document your outreach.It simplifies research by compiling college coaches' emails and Twitters for D1, D2, D3, NAIA, and JUCO college programs.

Implement promotional strategies that stand out.

You'll receive proven promotional strategies and templates to set yourself apart from the generic crowd.

Generate Interest from college coaches.

Players who finish the course and commit to the outreach process WILL attract interest from college coaches.

πŸ“‰ Don't let someone else have control of YOUR recruitment.

Alternative recruitment options leave you in the dark, wondering how your recruitment is going.With alternative approaches, you could be blindsided with nothing by the time you enroll in college.However, the Recruitment Generator Program calls you to participate actively in your recruitment.You will be given a step-by-step outreach method to generate recruitment, potentially leading to life-changing opportunities.

Want a sneak peek?

Submit your Info below, and you'll receive my eBook.

A word from the creator of
πŸ”Ž Recruiting Simplified

Hey there! I've been deeply immersed in the world of basketball recruiting, serving as a Recruiting Analyst with GASO since 2020.My journey has been enriched by the mentorship of seasoned analysts like Sam Lowe (29 years of experience) and Blue Zertuche (21 years of experience).In my early years at GASO, I absorbed insights, observed keenly, and learned from the best. The invaluable knowledge passed down to me was instrumental in propelling my career forward. It was an experience I felt compelled to share.I started sharing my expertise, offering recruiting advice and actionable insights on various platforms. The response was overwhelming, with thousands of people following me for my thoughts into the intricate world of college basketball recruiting.However, amidst this journey, I noticed a gap in the recruiting process – a disconnect between players, parents, coaches, and the reality of the recruiting process. This realization became the driving force behind creating "Recruiting Simplified."

βœ… 100% Risk-Free Refund Policy

I want your Recruitment Generator investment to be 100% risk-free.So, if you complete the course materials and find the course isn't for you within 7 days of starting it, we will refund 100% of your investment.However, part of what makes Recruitment Generator investment work is the financial accountability. If you do not engage with the course materials or fail to take action during the course, this does not qualify for a refund.

Don't let your college dreams slip away.

I understand that the journey toward playing college basketball can be challenging, and each step matters.Whether you're a Dreamer, eager but unsure where to start, a Wanderer facing obstacles after trying, or a Doer seeking guidance on the right path – your experience matters.If you're feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or unsure despite your efforts, know that I recognize the unique challenges you're facing.I'm here to offer proven strategies tailored to your situation, ensuring that your dreams are not just aspirations but achievable goals.Let's work together to navigate the recruiting process, break through barriers, and make your journey toward college basketball a fulfilling and successful one.

To Recap...

✍️ Elevate Your Outreach | Take advantage of personalized support to elevate your social media profile, DM and Email templates, hooks, and highlight videos.πŸ“‘ Templates | Utilize ready-made Email and DM templates as well as Social Media templates, sparing you the need to start from scratch and saving you valuable time and effort.πŸ’» Recruiting Tracker | Save thousands of hours organizing your outreach and searching for college coaches and programs by accessing every college basketball website with just one click.βš™οΈ Step-By-Step Process | Established outreach methods that set you apart from the sea of generic approaches.🎁 Bonus Resources | Explore free tools to enhance and streamline your recruiting process.βœ… Guarantee | 100% Risk-Free Refund policy if you complete the course materials and find the course isn't for you within 7 days of starting it.

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